Imaginary friends - watercolour and marking pen |
Sono nata a Brindisi nel 1989, il disegno è la mia passione e mi accompagna fin da piccolissima, quando disegnavo su ogni centimetro quadrato di carta disponibile.
In questo blog voglio raccontare ciò che mi interessa e mi incuriosisce, come le piante ed i fiori, ogni specie animale (dagli elefanti agli insetti), la musica e la moda (in modo particolare quella degli anni '50 e '60), ispirazioni che riporto su carta trasformandole in personaggi e illustrazioni.
I was born in Brindisi in 1989, drawing is my passion since I was a child, when I used to draw on every single centimeter of available paper.
In this blog I would like to write about what interests me, like flower and plants, each animal species (from elephants to insects), music and fashion (especially if it goes from the '50 to the '60), all inspirations that I transform in characters and illustrations on paper.
The idea for the name was accidentally given by my mother who, at the sight of yet another illustration with cockroaches and various insects, exclaimed: << Oh gosh, why don't you draw butterflies?? >>. Good question ... but she couldn't find a better name!
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