giovedì 19 gennaio 2017

The plumetis girl - illustrations for a blog!

Ricordate la mia amica Nadia, bravissima stilista di abiti da sposa? Per lei avevo realizzato un lavoro di illustrazione abbinato alle foto della sua collezione 2015 (che potete vedere qui).  
Da un po' di tempo si è lanciata in una nuova avventura e ha deciso di aprire un blog che racchiudesse alcune delle sue passioni, come i viaggi e la moda di ispirazione vintage, The Plumetis Girl! Mi ha chiesto di realizzare un header che potesse rappresentarla e allo stesso tempo che potesse essere d'impatto per chi visita la sua pagina... cosa meglio di una mini Nadia? Non potevano mancare i pois, ormai punto irrinunciabile della sua immagine di stilista e blogger, la Tour Eiffel e una fetta di anguria, a simboleggiare il suo amore per Parigi e per l'estate! 
Se condividete anche voi le sue passioni potete seguirla sul suo blog, su facebook o su instagram, dove posta delle bellissime foto dei suoi viaggi e dei suoi outfit preferiti!

Do you remember my friend Nadia? She's a talented bridal designer and for her I realized an illustration work combined with the pictures of her 2015 collection (you can have a look here).
She started a new adventure, a blog that shares some of her passions, like travels and vintage inspired fashion, The Plumetis Girl! She asked me to make an header that could represent her... what better than a mini Nadia? The pois are representative of her style, the Eiffel Tower and the slice of watermelon symbolize her love for Paris and for the summer! 
If you share her passions follow her blog, or her  facebook and instagram, where she posts wonderful pictures of her travels and outfits!

Header for The Plumetis girl blog, marking pen and Photoshop

Pancakes for breakfast

Pancakes for breakfast, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator

domenica 30 ottobre 2016

Happy Halloween!

                                 Chubby Cat And The Magic Pumpkin, marking pen and Photoshop

martedì 25 ottobre 2016

How Our Other Genome Controls Our Epi-Genome - Trends in Microbiology

The Vitruvian Man, marking pen and Photoshop. 
Illustration for:"How Our Other Genome Controls Our Epi-Genome" in Trends in Microbiology, October 2016, Volume 24, Issue 10, p. 777-787

"Eukaryotes and prokaryotes produce extracellular nanovescicles that contain RNAs and other molecules that they exploit to communicate. Recently, inter-kingdom crosstalk was demonstrated between humans and bacteria through fecal microRNAs. We suggest here how bacteria interact with humans via RNAs within membrane vesicles to alter our epigenome, thus filling the gap and closing the circle. At the same time, there are indications that there could be a wider inter-kingdom communication network that might encompass all known kingdoms. Now that the connection with our other genome has been established, we also should begin to explore the ‘social’ network that we have around us." Antonella Celluzzi, Andrea Masotti (2016): "How Our Other Genome Controls Our Epi-Genome", Trends in Microbiology, Cell Press. 

mercoledì 23 marzo 2016

The great journey of Alfred Wegener - Historical Biology

The great journey of Alfred Wegener, marking pen and Photoshop. 
Illustration for:"One hundred years of continental drift: the early Italian 
reaction to Wegener’s ‘visionary’ theory" in Historical Biology - An International Journal of Paleobiology, March 2016

"Alfred Wegener buried in his icy grave, drifts westward two centimeters every year on the back of the North american plate, corroborating, even in death, his theory so visionary for his fixist time." Marco Romano, Fabiana Console, Marco Pantaloni & Jörg Fröbisch (2016): One hundred years of continental drift: the early Italian reaction to Wegener’s ‘visionary’ theory, Historical Biology - An International Journal of Paleobiology, Taylor & Francis Group.